Solutions to complex problems in rehabilitative medicine require retraining of the neuro and neuro-motor system. The development of new technology has opened countless possibilities of monitoring patients in the field over extended periods of time. This is of particular relevance to the practice of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Technology assisted rehabilitation improves functional compliance, leading to faster recovery and more complete recovery.
At Neuphysio we offer the following technologies:
Keeogo is called a Dermoskeleton device, which means it is a wearable technology that helps you move your own body (your skeleton!). The Keeogo has been developed to help people with mobility challenges which can be anything from knee or hip osteoarthritis, to Multiple Sclerosis, stroke, incomplete spinal cord injury, and more.
What is PoNS? PoNS stands for Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator device. This device uses electrical stimulation to the tongue in order to create new pathways to the brain and allow for neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to create new connections with the body and learn to move again through repetitions).
MyndMove is a functional electrical stimulation device that is used by trained MyndMove therapists to help clients regain upper body function (from shoulder down to fingers). During these treatment sessions, electrode pads are placed on muscles in your arm based on the movements your therapist is trying to improve.

Ultrasound is a treatment modality that uses a wand, gel and mechanical waves emitted from the device to produce therapeutic effects on the tissue being stimulated. Ultrasound is gentle, and may produce a slight warming sensation.
The warming effect of ultrasound can have benefits on the tissues including:
- Help reduce stiffness
- Reduce muscle spasm
- Increase blood flow to the area
- Help reduce chronic inflammation
- Modify pain
- Improve mobility of scar tissue
- Promote healing

IFC (InterFerential Current)
IFC uses electrical current through electrode pads placed on your skin to help modify pain. It is a pain-control modality that stimulates sensory nerves to change the information your brain receives, effectively overriding the pain signal and providing some relief. When on, it can be described as feeling like a buzzing, tingling and/or pulsing sensation that each individual turns up to a level that is comfortable. The IFC current helps reduce inflammation and reduces pain. It can be used to assist with the healing of wounds, ulcers and arthritic joints.

Cold laser therapy is used to assist with soft tissue healing and pain management by placing the device with the laser directed at the targeted area. Laser uses light energy to enhance cell function, speeding up the work they do in healing. It causes an increase of oxygenated blood to the injured tissue which accelerates healing. Laser therapy may reduce internal scar formation and enhance tissue elasticity and repair damaged muscle fibers. Laser helps to reduce inflammation and edemas and can support nerve regeneration. Laser therapy is helpful for wounds, muscle strains, sprains and nerve irritability.

The shockwave device delivers targeted, high-pressure sonic (sound) waves to tissue via a wand and gel. It is commonly used to treat chronic soft tissue and tendon injuries, including plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow and calcific tendonitis of the shoulder, to name a few. Shockwave is meant to stimulate healing in the tissue by increasing the local temperature and by causing microtraumas so that the body responds by sending an influx of healing cells to the area.

The BioSway is a unique piece of equipment that allows our therapists to assess and treat balance issues and postural changes by way of a force plate. It can objectively evaluate a person’s center of gravity and how they are balanced over their feet. The BioSway assesses a person’s ability to move both small and large distances from center, for instance, when standing are they able to stay balanced and upright.
The BioSway has programs that provide challenges for clients to complete as a way to rehabilitate and improve weaknesses in these areas. More specifically, training exercises include:
- static and dynamic balance
- weight transfers
- ability to sway and remain stable at increasing distances
- reaction time – for balance and stability perturbations
The BioSway also allows us to compare assessment findings to age-related normative data. The activities on the BioSway make it easy to challenge your balance system. It is helpful for people with post-concussion syndrome, stroke and vestibular dysfunction.

Technology that provides modern products for individuals suffering from neurological injuries and stroke survivors. Saebo’s revolutionary treatment is based on new research documenting the brain’s remarkable ability to “re-program” itself following injury.
They are a dynamic rehabilitation solution for stroke patients who need to maximize their recovery and have side effects including the loss of hand function. It was specifically designed as a dynamic hand splint that helps to prevent joint damage while improving and maintaining range of motion. Saebo is dedicated to helping stroke survivors around the world achieve a new level of independence.

Treatments include: SaeboReach, SaeboFlex, SaeboStretch and Saebo Glide.
SaeboReach, Saeboflex allow patients with very little residual arm and hand function to immediately start performing task-oriented, highly repetitive grasp and release acitvities, thus creating new pathways in the brain. Criteria to use Saebo are the patient must have some shoulder and elbow movement and also be able to flex your fingers when your wrist is positioned in extension with fingers passively extended.
Bioness and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) improve mobility in patients over time. They are medical devices that help certain individuals walk with increased speed and improved balance – allowing you to regain your freedom and independence.
Bioness now offers three Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) rehabilitation systems. All three systems can help certain CNS patients regain natural use and movement, some even to the point of re-educating the brain to re-learn natural movements for the following diagnosis:
These rehabilitation systems replace natural electrical brain signals, helping re-animate weak or paralyzed limbs. They may be used to reduce impairments and to increase daily functional activities in patients with neurological diseases or injuries.